Thursday, 23 July 2009

ROI of social media in healthcare #bbmtehc


  • Volunteers / Fundraising / Charity
  • Get media coverage (= also reputation?)
  • Expectancy / Reputation / Credibility
  • Patient guidance + empowerment
  • Blurring lines of geograpical borders / limitations (= also reputation?)
  • Follow up negative comments + conversation in general (= also reputation?)
  • Teaching / Education
  • If someone is searching for you on web, and doesn’t find you, you don’t exist! Ditto w/social media
  • Four primary social media tools for hospitals--Facebook, You Tube, Twitter, and blogs.
  • Doctor engagement when low cost in terms of time (flip video in stead of blog postings)
  • ROI <-> ROC =Return on Connections
  • Not focus on 1 medium, fast switching (ex. from MySpace -> Facebook)
  • "Social media is the 21st century evolution of Word of Mouth." -@LeeAase
  • "Our first step (at MD Anderson) was to think about identifying our audience. What content are they interested in?" -@JennTex
  • @JennTex - your hospital's target audiences will influence or dictate which #sm aand #hcsm sites & tools you will use
  • Loss of "control" difficult for many #hospitals to accept
  • The end of traditional "Push-only" Web sites
  • One great idea, use unique 800#s to measure interest from Social Media channels
  • should use more than just number of friends to track success, but use landing pages ie. specific url's to drive traffic and measure / Using a landing page in a tweet allows you to track the users activity on the site after they've followed the lead
  • How about Cost Of Not Investing in social media? / What's the "Return on Ignoring"? ==> 40% decrease in visitors after stopping sm activities
  • HIPAA is concern in tweeting medical and surgical procedures; but not significantly differ from video and articles from procedures
  • Love use of the word "moderate" rather than control. Too many ppl feel the need to control SM
  • Most effective videos come from simple cameras, person telling story in powerful, honest and truthful way. No polish.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Only 98 emails in 2 weeks: Gmail filtering and labeling minihowto

Yep, only 98 emails to respond to after two full weeks of holiday.
Took only 4 hours to handle them all ... inbox back to zero.
These are *cough* important *cough* emails, emails that demand some kind of response from me.

All other emails are filtered away (out of my inbox) and given an appropriate label. These emails are not essential stuff and clutter my inbox. This group of emails consists of newsletters, notifications, updates, news from different social networks, ... after two weeks I had 900+ of them. I should read/handle most of them, but there is no pressure/urgency to do such.
I use Gmail filters and labels to make these -less important emails- skip my inbox and drop them in a labelled "folder".
Your filters/labels could look like this:
  • Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "NEWS"
  • Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "DEV"
  • Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "BIGBOOBIES"
To filter on multiple email addresses you can simply add "OR" between them (my newsletter-filter contains more than 100 email addresses). You can add a wildmark like "" in your filter to grab all mails coming from a certain source. You can find other search/filter - operators here.
I admit it took quite some time to set this system up and produce the needed filters. I estimate the setup time (from scratch) at about 5 hours.

The filtered setup boosted my email handling efficiency enormously and greatly improved my focus while working. Furthermore I saw a light at the end of the (email-)tunnel ;)
Another advantage is that I consult my email more via the smartphone. As only stuff that matters comes in my inbox, it makes reading/responding much easier.
I estimate the ROIT (return on invested time) at about 1 month.

No rocket science here, just a very simple little triage that saves me A LOT of time.
Do not forget to backup your filters! (labs -> Filter import/export)

If you know other easy and simple tricks, please let me know!

Posted via email from bartcollet's posterous

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Google mapping links, tools and healthcare use

Mapalist is a wizard for creating and managing customized Google maps of address lists

KMLCSV Converter is a free open source software that enables you to convert Google Earth KML file to a formatted CSV file (and vice versa). This CSV file can then be uploaded into your Garmin GPS by using Garmin POI Loader, which can be downloaded for free. This allows you to easily plot all custom point of interests (POI) through Google Earth first before transfering them into your Garmin GPS. For further instruction in how to use to do so, please refer to the Tutorial.

Use Yahoo pipes to display a Google calendar in Google Maps. Praise for Tony Hirst

XML to XLS conversion is easiest with Excel

New York citywide hospitals: here
Belgian carehomes (dutch): here
Google maps H1N1 Swine Flu tracker: here
Health Informatics Events calendar KML file (copy link and paste it in the Google Maps search window):

If you know more examples, please add.

Posted via email from bartcollet's posterous